• Soil insulation is a relatively unknown form of insulation that is mainly used in crawl spaces that are difficult to access. A minimum of 50 centimeters is required for a concrete floor and 35 cm for a wooden floor to properly insulate it. If the crawl space does not meet this minimum height, it is still possible to achieve a good insulation value in the floor using ground insulation.

    In addition to the fact that ground insulation offers the opportunity to insulate crawl spaces that are difficult to access, it is also advisable to use ground insulation in damp/wet crawl spaces.

  • Such insulation regulates the moisture balance in the crawl space. A large proportion of Dutch buildings have a damp crawl space. The cause of this lies in the groundwater; the Netherlands is largely built below or just above sea level. If it is very wet, groundwater will rise into the crawl space. This creates a humid climate in the crawl space. When the floor of the crawl space is insulated, you give the moisture the opportunity to condense. This process will take place under and between the insulation granules, so the air above the bottom insulation will be drier.

The advantages of ground insulation are:

  • No more stale odor from the crawl space
  • No problems with rising damp
  • Pests in crawl space disappear
  • Moisture and mold problems disappear
  • Relatively cheap insulation option

The costs for insulating the crawl space are relatively low. However, the price obviously depends on the accessibility of the crawl space and any obstacles in the crawl space. Would you like to know exactly what the costs are in your situation? Then request a tailor-made quote without obligation!

As an indicative price for using Neopixel HR++ beads, we use a m² price from €23. You can also apply for a subsidy for this through the ISDE subsidy (investment subsidy for sustainable energy and energy savings). The amount for 2024 has been set at €3 per m². When you combine soil insulation with another insulation measure, this amount is doubled to €6 per m². m².

Frequently Asked Questions

The bottom is insulated with large gray beads of EPS. These EPS beads are made from polystyrene, which is classified as plastics. EPS consists of 98% air ( www.wastenet.nl ), which means it has little volume. These EPS beads have the great advantage that in the long term (for example when the building is demolished) they can be recycled into a new product.

The insulation is applied to the crawl space with a hose through the crawl hatch. It is not necessary to drill holes in the floor for this. An insulation layer of 20 cm is often applied to the floor of the crawl space.

You are entitled to a subsidy for insulating your business premises or educational institution. In the case of commercial premises, you are entitled to the EIA (Energy Investment Deduction) and the MIA (Environmental Investment Deduction). You can also receive subsidies for energy advice and construction supervision through the SVM (subsidy scheme for sustainable SMEs). In the case of educational institutions, you can claim DUMAVA (Sustainable Social Real Estate). For the conditions, we would like to refer you to the RvO, you can check all current conditions here: https://www.rvo.nl/subsidies-financing

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